What could have been....
Today I found out I got accepted to Sheffield, the best UK uni for Journalism. 5 months ago that's all I wanted. I was sure of it. Now it's bitter sweet I suppose. It's good that I got in. It means that my application and my references and my sample articles were good enough. It's just strange to think through the whole *what could have been* scenario.I could be in Ireland working now....after a good 4 months of travelling...I could be in the office at 9, leaving at 5, drinking 5 cups of coffee a day. Going home, going to the gym, watching tv, go to bed, get up an start it all again...
Today I got up at 7 am for breakfast. First scuba dive of the day at 8. Back in around 8:45, next dive at 10. Lunch. Dive again. Get on a boat at 2:45, back to land. Tomorrow....who knows? Two weeks time--Working in Snowy Mountains.
I cant really say which is the right decision. I *LOVE* my life right now, it's fun, it's MY kind of life. But maybe it's not all about fun. Maybe I should be working, should be studying, should be thinking about the future...
Then again, I believe that everything that happens is SUPPOSED to happen. It's the laid back person's philosophy to life...nothing is ever out of control because that's the way it's supposed to be--so no need to worry about it. So I guess I was supposed to stay out here, supposed to get accepted, supposed to start to wonder if it's time I thought ahead of next week.
What's ahead of me? I have NO idea. I'm recalling how many hours I spent stressing about what I wanted to do...deciding on Journalism, the hours spent trying to find the best universities and the perfect course and making the plan...there's a reason I dont make plans...I cant stick to them.
Anyway, let's hope I've made the right decision by staying out here....actually, I think I'll just stop thinking about it :)
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